

DIY Lip Balm & Bonus Sugar Lip Scrub

What you need:

  • Sunflower Oil (2 ½ Tbsp.)
  • Organic Shea Butter (1 Tbsp.)
  • Beeswax Pastilles (½ Oz.)
  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Elastic Hair Tie (1)
  • Lip Balm Tubes (4)
  • Lip Balm Pots (4)
  • Lip Balm Stickers (4)
  • Craft Seal Stickers (4)
  • White Sugar (Bonus Craft)
  • Honey (Bonus Craft)
  • Large Pot (Bonus Craft)


1. Apply lip balm label stickers to tubes and seal stickers to lip balm pots.

TIP – You can apply your label stickers at the end if you prefer; just use rubbing alcohol to clean up the tubes and pots before applying the stickers.

2. Put the sunflower oil, shea butter, and beeswax pastilles into a microwave-safe Pyrex bowl.

TIP – Save the container that your shea butter came in — you will need it for the bonus craft!

TIP — If you want tinted lip balm add mineral eyeshadow or a small sliver of your favorite lipstick.

3. Put the microwave safe bowl in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time, stirring between each 30 second interval until melted. Be sure to use a hot pad when handling the bowl because it will be hot!

4. Once the mixture is melted, add in 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil and stir.

TIP — The more essential oil, the stronger the scent will be. With peppermint oil, adding more oil will make the lip balm tingle more when applied.

5. Carefully pour melted oil mixture into lip balm tubes and pots. Allow to set for 15 to 20 minutes.

TIP — Use the elastic hair tie included in your kit to secure the lip balm tubes together, it will help to keep the tubes from falling over when filling.

TIP — Use any remaining melted oil to “top off” lip balms after about 15 seconds. Don’t wait too long or the oil will not blend and you’ll have a top that will fall off!

6. Once cooled, fasten container lids and enjoy!

Bonus Craft:

1. Wipe out shea butter pot to remove any excess shea butter.

2. Pour two packets of white sugar and one packet of honey into pot.

3. Mix sugar and honey mixture together until thoroughly blended.

TIP — You should have sunflower oil left over from your lip balm project — feel free to add a small drop or two of oil if you like.

4. Use sugar scrub one a week to exfoliate your lips — the best part is that it’s all natural and safe to consume!

By |2018-03-19T20:45:44+00:00March 19th, 2018|Uncategorized|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. Babs May 30, 2018 at 10:19 pm - Reply

    I had so much fun learning to make lip balm. Thanks for taking to time to teach me. I am really excited to see the next box…

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