DIY Citronella Floating Candles

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DIY Citronella Floating Candles

Summertime is a great time to spend your evenings outdoors with the company of friends and family.  Nothing ruins those evenings like mosquitos biting at your ankles.  Our  DIY Citronella Floating Candles Kit comes with easy to follow directions and everything you need to make your own citronella floating candles!

Materials Included:

  • Soy Wax Candle Flakes
  • Decorative Flower Mold
  • Citronella Candle Fragrance Oil
  • Candle Wicks (10)
  • Toothpicks (10)

Other Household Items (not included):

  • Pyrex Bowl/Mason Jar
  • Hot Pad
  • Cooking Spray
  • Stir stick/spoon
  • Container to hold floating candles/water
DIY Citronella Floating Candle

DIY Floating Citronella Candle


  1. Lightly coat decorative mold with cooking spray- it makes your candles pop out easier!
  2. Pour soy wax candle flakes into Pyrex bowl or mason jar & microwave wax in 30 second increments, stirring wax until completely melted. (Make sure you have your hot pad ready!
  3. Use hot pad to carefully remove Pyrex bowl or mason jar; quickly stir in citronella candle fragrance oil. (You can also add essential oil for added fragrance! Our favorite is lemongrass-it smells great and is used for repelling insects!)
  4. Pour melted wax & citronella mixture evenly into decorative mold.

Pour melted wax and citronella mixture into decorative molds

Buy your own DIY set of floating candles here! 

  • Let wax cool for 15-20 minutes until it’s firm to the touch but not totally hardened.  Insert toothpick into center of each wax flower; leave in & allow wax to set for another 15-20 minutes. (Tip-Stick your mold in the fridge or freezer to speed things up-just make sure to insert your toothpicks before the wax is completely hardened otherwise you may crack your candles.)
  • Gently insert toothpick into the middle of wax flowers

    Gently insert toothpick into the middle of wax flowers

  • Once wax has finished setting; turn tray over & gently twist mold to help release your candles from the mold.
  • Carefully twist toothpick until the tip of the toothpick pushes through top/embossed surface of the candle.
  • To remove the toothpick, gently twist tooth out of the bottom/flat part of candle.
  • Insert wick into bottom of wax flower

    Insert wick into bottom of wax flower

  • Insert wick through the hole that you made with your toothpick; make sure to insert wick into the bottom/flat part of the candle. (Tip-If you use too much force you may crack your candle.  If this happens, don’t panic! Just melt the wax down again & repeat.)
  • Gently push metal base into candle base.  Now you’re ready to enjoy your floating citronella candles.  We used mason jars as floating candle holders but you can use just about any bowl, jar, or vase you’d like-just be sure to trim the wicks down to ¼ inch before lighting your candles!

    Did you love it?  You can buy your own DIY floating candle kit here! All the materials you need for $23.95!


    *Don’t forget to show off your final projects on Instagram and Facebook! Tag The Hippie Hobby for a chance to be featured as a repost- @TheHippieHobby #TheHippieHobby

    By |2017-05-19T18:10:04+00:00October 27th, 2016|DIY, Uncategorized|0 Comments

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