DIY Decorative Wheatgrass

//DIY Decorative Wheatgrass

DIY Decorative Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is truly a multi-purpose plant.  You can use it as a simple and cute way to bring a little green into your indoor décor.

It’s also great for juicing or adding to your smoothies.  Wheatgrass is choked full of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, iron, calcium, magnesium, and amino acids so it’s health benefits are a no-brainer.  It’s even used as fodder for chickens!


  • 5” Small Pot with drainage holes
  • Small container
  • Peat Pellets
  • Wheatgrass Seeds (Berries)
  • Plastic Wrap
  • Water


  1. Rinse seeds & set aside
  2. Lay peat pellets in a container that will hold water & fill the container with warm water until pellets are covered. Set aside for a few minutes.
  3. Once your pellets have expanded – about 7 times their original size – remove the exterior, biodegradable netting & put peat into your pot. We used two 36mm pellets for each pot.
  4. Spread an even layer of seeds over the surface of your peat & moisten the seeds.
  5. Cover pot with plastic wrap for a few days. You will need to make sure to keep your seeds damp but not soaked. Put your pot on your kitchen counter or another room in your house with indirect lighting.

TIP – It will take a couple days for your seeds to germinate. Once your seeds germinate, they will start to root into the peat.  You may also notice a little condensation collecting on the inside of the plastic wrap – that’s normal so don’t fret!

  1. Once your grass gets to around 1” in length, you can remove the plastic wrap. Make sure to water your wheatgrass as needed – it’s that easy!

TIP – To help your grass last longer give it a “haircut” every so often.

By |2018-05-22T04:20:00+00:00May 22nd, 2018|Uncategorized|2 Comments

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  1. Sharon M Crivolio March 26, 2019 at 10:28 pm - Reply

    I have subscribed for the past year but did not receive this craft. Can you please check my records and send it if I am owed it? It looks great! The last box I got was marbled coasters. Thanks!!

    • Jracer2015 March 26, 2019 at 11:42 pm - Reply

      Hi Sharon,

      Our records show that all 6 of the boxes that you ordered were fulfilled. Due to stock that was available at the time of fulfillment, customers may have received a different box at the time instead of the featured craft.

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