DIY Wall Decor

//DIY Wall Decor

DIY Wall Decor

We often underestimate our walls, as well as the decorations we hang upon them. The attempts to cover our walls have ranged in look and design, such as during those years we tacked posters onto our walls, or attached photos to corkboards (or simply the wall itself). Many of us eventually evolved into framing our photos or posters, and maybe even buying a shelf or two to fill up that wall space. Yet after phases one and two, our walls are still here, but where do our wall decorating skills go? What’s the next level?

Making DIY wall decor to fill up that wall space is one of the best types of crafts, because they add so much depth and richness to any room while simultaneously representing our talents and passions. Crafting is one of the best pastimes out there (though we at The Hippie Hobby might be a bit biased), and getting to showcase your crafts on the regular is even better. Take a look at some of the wall space crafts you should try, and check out The Hippie Hobby for DIY subscription craft boxes and more!

DIY hexagon shelfArtsy DIY Wall Decor Shelving Units

Any home department store has shelving units for purchase, but you are not just any person. Try your hand at making some decorative shelves for your home! These hexagonal shelves are so modern and adorable, and would upgrade any wall space in your home. For another shelving idea, try this 9-step invisible shelf made from books for an unconventional look. Either of these shelving crafts would bring amazing dimension to your home (and serve a purpose, too!)


Unique DIY Wall Decor

Like we said, we’ve all tacked up those posters to bring some life into our walls, and as beautifully nostalgic as that is, there’s a better way. This recycled wine cork heart is easy to make, and as one of our craft boxes, has all the materials included! A wine cork heart would add a lot of warmth to a kitchen or bar area, and even better is the fact that you created it. Did we mention it comes with a bonus craft?

DIY Wine Cork Heart


Interactive DIY Wall Decor

Create wall decor that does more than stand out, but rather invites people in. As one idea, you could have guests help construct a wall tapestry. Take a wooden dowel, and tie thicker string or twine around the dowel so that each string hangs down. Cut out strips of fabric, old shirts, or anything cloth like, and invite guests to tie a strip of their choosing onto the tapestry. Over time, this will grow to be a tapestry that your loved ones all collaborated in to create.

Another interactive wall idea are these awesome clipboard stenciled letters. Friends and family can spell out letters, or have kids practice their spelling and reading as well. No matter which route you take, your walls are sure to go from drab to fab.

wall art inexpensive

Wall decor will liven up your home and make it your own, but the personality and zest will be tenfold when you create it yourself. Try out these crafts to make your walls reflect the amazing individual you are!

Want more craft ideas? Be sure to follow us on Instagram! It’ll be wall worth your time, we promise.

By |2017-09-14T23:51:36+00:00September 14th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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